Milké, comes from the house of the renowned Dairy Brand – Dlecta. Dlecta’s cheeses are used by over 8000 restaurant’s nationally. The brand is synonymous with Quality.
We are proud that Milké can now be found in most 5 star hotels across the country as well as international and premium airlines.
Dissatisfied with the extra sweetness and lumpiness of powdered creamer as was available in the market, Dlecta set out to improve it in the only way possible – by making a liquid replacement for the powder. Milké is the first of its kind liquid dairy creamer. It’s aseptically packed to give a long shelf life without preservatives or any additives.
Milké elevates the taste of the beverage it is added to, be it tea or coffee. It easily mixes with the beverage and provides a great taste and mouthfeel. Some call them single-serve packs of UHT Milk. Convenient to use and a much healthier alternative to powder creamers.
Try it once, you’ll never go back to the old ways.